I can think of a couple of sources for the misconception:
- When Dijkstra published his letter in Communications of the ACM "Go To Statement Considered Harmful" way back in 1968 this led to a lot of controversy too, and somehow only the title of the letter has stuck with a lot of people - but not its original contents nor its true intent.
- Java has the reserved keyword goto, but doesn't allow its use. James Gosling outlawed it, so it must be bad - nevertheless he did put in the labels.
So I feel that not getting the whole picture is responsible for such misinformedness in some (or maybe even: many) programmers. But hey, don't just take my word for it!
In his book 'Thinking in Java' Bruce Eckel explains that "In Dijkstra’s “goto considered harmful” paper, what he specifically objected to was the labels, not the goto. He observed that the number of bugs seems to increase with the number of labels in a program. Labels and gotos make programs difficult to analyze statically, since it introduces cycles in the program execution graph. Note that Java labels don’t suffer from this problem, since they are constrained in their placement and can’t be used to transfer control in an ad hoc manner. It’s also interesting to note that this is a case where a language feature is made more useful by restricting the power of the statement."
In a (lengthy and by now five-year-old) retrospective of Dijkstra's paper, David Tribble illustrates that goto-like constructs are business-as-usual in modern programming languages without it being apparent al the time, and that constructs mentioned by Dijkstra include not only labels for exiting loops, but also e.g. exception handling (try-catch-finally blocks).
Furthermore he also reaches the conclusion that "Dijkstra's belief that unstructured goto statements are detrimental to good programming is still true. A properly designed language should provide flow control constructs that are powerful enough to deal with almost any programming problem. By the same token, programmers who must use languages that do not provide sufficiently flexible flow control statements should exercise restraint when using unstructured alternatives. This is the Tao of goto: knowing when to use it for good and when not to use it for evil."
Dustin Marx puts it nicely when he says "The more I work in the software development industry, the more convinced I become that there are few absolutes in software development and that extremist positions will almost always be wrong at one point or another. I generally shy away from use of goto or goto-like code, but there are times when it is the best code for the job. Although Java does not have direct goto support, it provides goto-like support that meets most of my relatively infrequent needs for such support."
Now I'm not saying that the above is the conclusive evidence that proves my point. But you may interpret it as an incentive to be a little more openminded when it comes to certain 'conventional wisdoms' surrounding programming...
Update: If you take a look e.g. at this nice article on Java bytecode, specifically the bit about exception handling, you can see what's happening under the hood. That's right, those are just plain vanilla gotos at work when you use a try-catch block!